Balletskór -Spin II Stretch Canvas Foot Thong
4.450 kr
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Comfortable stretch canvas half sole contemporary and modern dance shoe with silicone lined elastic for secure fit.
- The Spin II incorporates stretch canvas, soft wide elastic binding, and inner silicone to ensure a seamless fit
- Created with innovative fibres, the stretch canvas always recovers to the neutral shape of the foot
- The wide elasticised binding along the top line and inner lined silicone ensure a tight, non-slip fit
- Outsole with ballet flat pleating allows toes to spread naturally and suede outsole allows for multiple turns with ease
- Pleats similar to traditional ballet slippers allows toes to spread naturally
- Wide elasticised binding along the top line and inner silicone ensure a tight, non-slip fit
Comfortable stretch canvas half sole contemporary and modern dance shoe with silicone lined elastic for secure fit.
- The Spin II incorporates stretch canvas, soft wide elastic binding, and inner silicone to ensure a seamless fit
- Created with innovative fibres, the stretch canvas always recovers to the neutral shape of the foot
- The wide elasticised binding along the top line and inner lined silicone ensure a tight, non-slip fit
- Outsole with ballet flat pleating allows toes to spread naturally and suede outsole allows for multiple turns with ease
- Pleats similar to traditional ballet slippers allows toes to spread naturally
- Wide elasticised binding along the top line and inner silicone ensure a tight, non-slip fit
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