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Úlniðsólar - fimleika

7.680 kr
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ergonomically wrist support for ladies made of soft microfiber with Velcro. The magenta colored slip aid is perfect for using the wrist support easily. Removeable strengthening. Available sizes S/0, M/1, L/2 and XL/3

sizes and outline wrist
S/0 up to 14,5 cm
M/1 14,5 till 16,0 cm
L/2 16,0 till 17,0 cm
XL/3 more than 17,0 cm

sizes and wide hand back
S/0 up to 7,5 cm
M/1   7,5 till 9,0 cm
L/2 9,0 till 10,0 cm
XL/3 more than 10,0 cm

Úlniðsólar - fimleika
Úlniðsólar - fimleika