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Dot2Dance mottur

29.990 kr
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Dot2 Dance motturnar eru léttar og færanlegar til að æfa allskonar dans á, æfa sig á spinnerum fyrir skauta og dans og eins fyrir fimleika og bara allar æfingar sem þurfa stað sem maður rennur ekki á.  Talið er að meiðsli á æfingum sé oft þar sem gólfflöturinn hentar ekki til æfinganna sem verið er að gera.  

Motturnar koma í veg fyrir að gólfin skemmist t.d. undan spinnerum heima fyrir, þjálfara mæla með að nota þær til æfinga bæði á æfingarstað og heimfyrir þar sem undirlagið hentar oft ekki fyrir æfingar á æfingastað. 

dot2dance®️AUTHENTIC Marley Portable Dance Floor - Multi Use with Non Slip Gym Mat Back
4 Sizes, 2 Marley Colors

The Worldwide Famous and GENUINE BRAND dot2dance®️Portable Dance Floor. Your Safe, Quick and Easy, Home Studio to Traveling Stage! dot2dance is perfect to practice at home to traveling with it to Dance Competitions and Conventions to warm up safely before hitting the stage. Checkout our NEW dot2dance Travel Backpack which makes creating a mobile dance studio anyplace even easier.

Tired of warming up your dance turns on carpet at dance competitions? Afraid of slipping and sliding on your wood floors in the living room? Does mom keep yelling at you for Tap Dancing on the kitchen floor? dot2dance®️ is for YOU! A Spot to SAFELY Practice on a Dot! Yes, it’s a “Turning Board” but SO MUCH MORE! Plus, it is DOUBLE-SIDED! The FRONT is AUTHENTIC and Certified Marley Dance Flooring and the BACK is a Non-Slip Gym Mat! dot2dance®️ PROTECTS your fine floors at home with its Non-Slip Gym Mat underside and keeps Dancers SAFE using a AUTHENTIC Marley Dance Floor.

From perfecting Ballet Turns like Pirouettes, Fouettes, or A La Seconde Turns, to TAP Dancers shuffling with a Clear and Crisp Sound, to Ballerinas practicing En Pointe in the grass, how about yoga in the snow!? dot2dance®️ is a TurnBoard and beyond... It has endless uses! With dot2dance®️ now anyone can have their own convenient and affordable personal dance studio  right at home or even poolside! dot2dance®️ is an AUTHENTIC MARLEY portable dance floor created to provide SAFETY while PROTECTING the floors it is used on.

Genuine Brand dot2dance®️ is a lightweight and portable unique dance floor in the shape of a circle. Ingeniously engineered with AUTHENTIC dance studio flooring, called “Marley”. It creates your own private mobile dance studio anytime or anyplace! A leading reason why dancers get injured is practicing or warming up on the wrong surface. Now with dot2dance®️ you can have a SAFE surface to dance on anyplace! dot2dance®️ creates a SAFE platform to dance on and:

  • DOUBLE-SIDED! FRONT SIDE is meticulously hand crafted in the U.S.A. with AUTHENTIC “Marley” Dance Flooring. The BACK SIDE is a Non-Slip GYM MAT that is SAFE to use on ALL floors at home.
  • Flat surface increasing safety with no holes, ridges or breaks.
  • Designed a low <3/8 inch off the ground with a tapered edge for safety with “Traveling Feet”.
  • Innovative design creates a underside with NO visible staples that could damage the surface it was used on or could damage the users delicate wardrobe.
  • Lightweight, Portable, Easy to Store, 4 Sizes, 2 Marley Colors 
  • Travel Backpack Tote available for 16, 24, and 32 size dot2dance.
  • ALL U.S.A. made.

Dancers,Gymnasts,Ballerinas,Tumblers,Roller Skaters, Cheer Leaders, Contortionists,Yoga Enthusiasts,Rhythmic Gymnasts, to Figure Skaters have all discovered the endless uses for dot2dance®️. Don't forget its DOUBLE-SIDED, use the Gym Mat side too!

Perfect to bring with you on PHOTO SHOOTS!

dot2dance is a GIFT OF SAFETY that never stops GIVING!

Dot2Dance mottur
Dot2Dance mottur