Augnskuggasett 3 tegundir
800 kr
Spara 560 kr
/ per
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Say goodbye to boring eye shadow, because the Create it! Eyeshadow Palette contains the most vibrant colors of all. Transform your eyes into a sweet rainbow or stick to one color. There are three different palettes to choose from, with each palette having 12 different colors and a cool relief. This means that you can collect no less than 36 colors of eye shadow!
Enjoy a fun makeover with friends and start your career as a makeup artist. Different versions are supplied interchangeably.
Enjoy a fun makeover with friends and start your career as a makeup artist. Different versions are supplied interchangeably.
Say goodbye to boring eye shadow, because the Create it! Eyeshadow Palette contains the most vibrant colors of all. Transform your eyes into a sweet rainbow or stick to one color. There are three different palettes to choose from, with each palette having 12 different colors and a cool relief. This means that you can collect no less than 36 colors of eye shadow!
Enjoy a fun makeover with friends and start your career as a makeup artist. Different versions are supplied interchangeably.
Enjoy a fun makeover with friends and start your career as a makeup artist. Different versions are supplied interchangeably.
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