Hjólalás - Mína mús Love
The chain lock protects the bicycle against theft. It consists of a steel chain that is covered with a polyester fabric, protecting the bicycle frame against scratches. The lock is decorated with Disney and Marvel characters.
length 65 cm, diameter 12 mm
The chain lock protects the bicycle against theft. It consists of a steel chain that is covered with a polyester fabric, protecting the bicycle frame against scratches. The lock is decorated with Disney and Marvel characters.
length 65 cm, diameter 12 mm
Póstlistinn okkar
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Hjá okkur færðu flest fyrir fimleika og ballett, listskauta og íshokkí. Þú finnur líka mikið úrval af vörum með flestum vinsælustu Disney og Marvel teiknimyndafígúrunum að ógleymdu öllu fallegu hárskrautinu.
Kiktu við í verslun okkar að Smiðjuvegi 74, gulri götu.