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Silfurhálsmen joga

6.450 kr
Einingaverð  per 

Vandað og fallegt handgert hálsmen úr 925 sterling silfur, frá Mikelart í Ítralíu. Kemur i fallegum gjafakassa með gjafapoka og ábyrgðarskírteini.  

Falleg jóla, afmælis og/eða fermingagjöf fyrir jogaiðkandann. 

Frá framleiðenda:

This is a highly advanced pose which requires familiarity on reverse, strength of arms and the ability of overcoming the initial fear of falling. A great flexibility of the spine is also fundamental. In nature scorpions lift their tail to hit the victim turning it over the head and striking it down. The same happens in this pose, where the legs lift as a tail, the back bends and feet reach the head. Every single movement is slow, in total control over body and mind. 

Pendant charm, MIKELART jewels are 100% MADE IN ITALY in 925 sterling silver. They are handmade and finished through the ancient technique of lost-wax casting, completed with Venetian links in 925 sterling silver. Each jewel comes with an elegant hard case, a clean and fine-designed screen-printed shopping bag and the warranty certificate. 


Silfurhálsmen joga
Silfurhálsmen joga